PlanetWildlife Group of Companies is based on the ethos of generating awareness on ecological conservation. We are committed to providing responsible and sustainable tourism through all aspects of our operations, a commitment that is reflected in our Sustainable Travel Policy.
This policy forms a central component of our company’s commitment to environmental and social sustainability. Our Sustainability Policy is based upon the following principles:
- To comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable local legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
- To ensure that all staff are fully aware of our Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it.
- To integrate environmental and social sustainability considerations into all our business decisions.
- To make clients and partners aware of our Policy, and encourage them to adopt sound practices in this respect.
- To provide long-term investments and commitments from the company to our destinations , thus providing economic stability to both.
- To review, annually report, and to continually strive to improve our sustainability performance.
- Company’s own operations
- Customer awareness of the issues
- Destination sustainability
Sustainable Travel training for PlanetWildlife’s staff, from operations, marketing, sales and finance departments, will be organised to give employees an opportunity to contribute to the further development of the policy, hence increasing the level of ownership and the effective identification of roles and responsibilities. The implementation of our policy is done through the following methods:
Travel & Meetings
- New staff are given training in the policy, and there are training refresher sessions held at regular intervals for all staff.
- Avoid physically travelling to meetings etc. where alternatives are available and practical.
- Where the only practical alternative is to fly, we will contribute towards appropriate offsets.
- Reduce the need for our staff to travel by supporting alternative working arrangements, including home working etc., and promote the use of public transport by locating our offices in accessible locations.
Purchase of equipment and consumption of resources
- Reduce the energy consumption of office equipment by purchasing energy efficient equipment and good housekeeping.
- Where ever possible, purchase electricity from a supplier committed to renewable energy. Seek to maximise the proportion from renewable energy sources, whilst also supporting investment in new renewable energy schemes.
- Encourage efficient use of water in the office and invest in water saving appliances.
- Where ever possible, recycle and reuse waste water on site.
- Minimise our use of paper and other office consumables, for example by double-siding all paper used, and identifying opportunities to reduce waste.
- As far as possible, use recycled paper and paper products.
- Arrange for the reuse or recycling of office waste, including paper, computer supplies and redundant equipment.
- Where ever possible, ensure that timber furniture, and any other timber products, are recycled or from well-managed, sustainable sources.
- Purchase fair-trade merchandise made of handloom cotton, handmade paper and paper products, etc.
- Encourage the development of native flora and fauna within office premises.
- All refrigerants used in office equipment such as Air conditioners, Refrigerators to have low Global Warming Potential and Zero Ozone Depleting Potential.
Working practices and advice to clients
- Undertake voluntary work with the local community and / or environmental organisations to spread awareness on wildlife conservation.
- Make donations to seek to offset carbon emissions from our activities.
- Provide clients the option of offsetting their carbon foot print. PlanetWildlife will carefully select and monitor the organisations that provide carbon offsetting services. Particular importance shall be given to their social and economic sustainability.
- Hiring of more local guides to provide better interpretative experiences and support to the local communities.
- Purchasing local eco friendly products and services, where appropriate, for all trips.
- We will encourage considerate, culturally and environmentally conscious habits amongst those who travel with us.
- We will bear in mind the rights of the local population and respect local laws and customs.
- We will insist that our business partners in the host destinations meet our own high environmental and social standards.
- Promoting and raising awareness of responsible travel practices among customers. For example, tour leaders are trained in principles of Sustainable tourism and the importance of local issues. We actively encourage them to be proactive on sustainability issues.
In addition, key sales and marketing decisions have been made to ensure that sustainable tourism is a consideration for PlanetWildlife’s business. For example;
- Working with our suppliers to integrate sustainability into the supply chain.
- Sales personnel have been encouraged to raise the issue when appropriate.
As an organization, we strongly believe that being an active part of conservation issues and volunteering in wildlife programmes is an important aspect of Sustainable Travel. On the same lines, PlanetWildlife shall very soon, bring for you; specialized Conservation Tours. Our conservation tours will provide you with a variety of choices to assist in conservation of vulnerable habitats and the endangered species. This will be your chance to contribute to global wildlife and habitat conservation.
At PlanetWildlife, we aim for you to have an adventurous yet safe and responsible trip to your destination. And our Sustainable travel policy makes sure that these destinations are preserved and respected for years to come!